Why books make great gifts!

Tana Poncsak
2 min readDec 18, 2020

My favorite things…books! My family and friends know I love getting them and I tend to give books as gifts as well. So if you’re struggling to find a last minute holiday gift, consider a book.

Here’s why I think books make great gifts.

There’s something for everyone. Nonfiction and fiction, long books and short books, from business books to romance, with all the different genres there’s something for everyone’s interest. And you never have to worry about getting the wrong size.

Books are appropriate no matter how well you know the receiver. For someone you know well, you can get something a little more personal. For an acquaintance or someone you don’t know as well, go for a gift book on a more general topic.

In general, books are moderately priced, so you don’t have to worry about overspending. Unless you’re buying a collector’s edition or a first edition, most hardcover books run anywhere from $16.00 to $35.00, and paperbacks even less. And that’s not going to break the bank!

If you’re unsure of what your gift receiver likes to read or what titles they already have or have already read, a gift card to a local bookstore works fine. Although I do buy books from the big stores from time to time, I also feel it’s important to support the smaller, independent bookshops and I shop with them as well.

Do you ever give books or have you ever received a book as a gift that changed your mind about reading? Let me know in the comments.



Tana Poncsak

Writer, blogger, content specialist, avid reader, and book lover